
New Ken Woodward film creates a buzz

New Ken Woodward film creates a buzz

Lattitude’s highly anticipated film The Diary has been the topic of conversation among individuals in the Health and Safety world of recent weeks. This powerful training film tells the true [...]

The True Value of Elephants

The True Value of Elephants

Elephants, the world’s greatest natural leaders, have once again come under threat in the wild. Their ivory tusks are the reason so many elephants have lost their lives, and poachers [...]

Chinese New Year highlights similarities between snakes and meerkats

Chinese New Year highlights similarities between snakes and meerkats

The Chinese New Year begins on February 10th 2013. This year will be [...]

Making it personal for an Olympic-standard safety culture

Making it personal for an Olympic-standard safety culture

Any review of 2012 has to include the London Olympics. Its construction safety record was second to none. For the first time in history, an Olympic Games was built and [...]